Bibliography: Timothy Leigh Walker
Born on August 23, 1957, in Harrisonburg Virginia to Mrs. Eleanor L. Walker & Mr. James L. Tuckson Sr. (both deceased), raised in Harrisonburg Virginia for 18 years and graduated from Harrisonburg High School in 1976. After graduation entered the Army and served 20+ years (Regular Army & Army Reserves). The highest grade held was Sergeant First Class (E-7) and the highest award achieved is the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM). Was married to Miss Carletta E. Strother from 1983 – 2004, and they had a son Caleb R. Walker born in 1990, and in 1994 Timothy surrendered his life to God (YHVH) through his Faith In and On Jesus Christ.
Education: In 1993 received an Associates of Science Degree from Monetary Peninsula College in Electronics Technology; 2001 received a Bachelors of Individual Studies Degree from James Madison University with a Major in Socioeconomics and a Minor in Small Business & Entrepreneurship, October 2011 became a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society; and in 2012 received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Ashford University that is now the University of Arizona Global Campus.
Currently: Living in Culpeper Virginia and married to Fonda J. White in 2020, and between them they have 9 grandchildren, are step-grandparents to 2 children, and all are greatly loved. Timothy has worked as an Instrumentation Technician III & Analytics in the field of “Wastewater” for the past 10+ years and Founder, Pastor, and President of YHVH Church of Philadelphia (Incorporation) of Culpeper Virginia for the past 4+ years.
This book deals with “Spiritually Circumcising You Heart and Mind” with the Word of God that’s stated in the Bible. It is through the works of Christ that believers, through the Holy Spirit are given these new Hearts and Minds. To circumcise your heart and mind then is to respond to the work of Christ in repentance and faith. We cut-off our old man, our calloused heart and carnal mind, and turn in faith and devotion to Jesus Christ. Luke 6:45, Luke addresses our highest faculties, our minds and wills, the location of the inner moral battle we are fighting. In doing so this book teaches what the Word states and cuts down the “Traditions of Men.”
This book explains the “Four Horns” in a “Spiritual and Practical” way that affects and influences everyone in their everyday living. The effects of the “Four Horns” (Education, Politics, Economics, and Religion) are both positive (The Power of Truth) and negative (The Power of Evil & The Traditions of Men). The book shows us how effectively they are used, how and why they came about, and how they are often used to belittle certain groups of people. The book offers an accurate and deeper understanding of individuals, cultures, places, and things… You will be amazed why things are the way they are and how they impact people on a “Daily” basis regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion, sex, or socioeconomic status. Therefore, let God be the LORD of Your Life every day because He is in Total Control!
S.N.A.P.! “GOD IS ABOUT TO DO HIS THING” (7-7-7 Armageddon & Haymengog) is my third book that coincides with my first book “Spiritually Circumcise Your Heart and Mind” and the second book “Four Horns that Control this Earth Age.” The acronym (S.N.A.P.) stands for Satan Not About People; because all he wants is as many souls to join him in the Lake of Fire right after the final judgement of God and Eternity begins. In addition, “GOD IS ABOUT TO DO HIS THING” is because this world & time we live in for the most part is going to hell in a hand basket – meaning people’s free will has not been in line with God’s Salvation Plan. With that said, there’s nothing new under the sun as emphasizes in the Book of Ecclesiastes that’s for the Man/Woman walking under the sun. Mark Twin said there are two important dates in a person’s life, “when they are born and when they find out their purpose.” Most people are fascinated with money and power that they will sell their soul without even knowing it. Example, United States being the most powerful nation on earth allows almost anything under their laws claiming “Civil Rights” that go against God’s Law, Will and Purpose for His Plan of Salvation for all Mankind. The million-dollar question is; how long do you think God is going to allow the United States and other nations to do whatever they want and feel like doing that goes totally against His Word? NOT LONG! Therefore, I dedicate this book to All Believers in God and Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!